This Week in the CLE
A review and analysis of the week's news in Northeast Ohio
5 years ago

This Week in the CLE: Thursday, May 16, 2019

Tragic death and a drug ring at the jail, idiotic antics on the Cuyahoga River, hurdles for women leaders, new Cavs coach and a Game of Thrones debate

The crisis at the Cuyahoga County jail has kept crime reporter Adam Ferrise running for much of the past year, and on the latest episode of This Week in the CLE, he shares what he has learned about the latest controversies, another death and a drug ring run by the guards.

He also talks with county reporter Courtney Astolfi about the move to get better guards by paying them more and his listing of everyone involved to date in a continuing criminal investigation of the jail and county government.

Data reporter Rich Exner talks about why some people might want to earn less money to combat an income tax proposal in the Legislature.

Reporter Mary Kilpatrick explains what she learned about shattering the glass ceiling from women leaders she profiled.

Sports editor Dave Campbell explains why the new Cavs coach is so unusual and intriguing.

Columnist Mark Naymik details why the MetroParks Rangers are no more.

Reporter Emily Bamforth lays out what to expect as thousands of people hit the streets for the Cleveland Marathon.

Reporter Pete Krouse talks about the local reaction to his reporting on the failed attempt to merge municipal governments in St. Louis.

Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish visits to provide details of his multi-pronged sustainability plans.

Rock the Lake editor Laura Johnston describes the dangerous antics of people on the Cuyahoga River.

And reporters Emily Bamforth, Seth Richardson and Mike Rose dissect this season of Game of Thrones and discuss Seth’s fun comparison of the warring factions on the television show to the political factions today in America.

New episodes are published Thursday evenings, so you can listen on your Friday morning commute.